Chest Muscle

Why Do We Need To Work On Our Chest Muscles

chest muscle anatomy

The chest muscle that is on top is the pectoralis major and underneath that the pectoralis minor. Together, they are often referred to as “pecs”. The pectoralis major is the more considerable muscle and has two parts- the clavicular head and the sternal head. And, the pectoralis minor is triangular in shape. 


The chest muscle is responsible for moving arms across the body up and down, flexion, adduction, and rotation. Working on your chest muscle does more than just improve your physique. When do you any chest exercise, it will work on the entire area, but some specific exercises will stimulate your chest in different ways.

Different Types of Chest Muscle

The chest is the larger part of your daily activities. It enables you to perform pushing actions like barbell bench presses or in everyday activities like moving a heavy dresser. If you want perfect pecs, then you have to challenge all your muscles. But if you don’t know what they are, you can’t target them. To guide you on the path to the perfect chest, here is a sneak peek at major chest muscles:

Pectoralis Major: The pectoralis major builds most of your chest muscle mass. It is fan-shaped and large and is composed of a clavicular head and a sternocostal head.  

Pectoralis Minor: The pectoralis minor is laid underneath the pectoralis major. It helps to pull the shoulder down and forward. 

Serratus Anterior: You will notice the serratus anterior in action when you move lifts weighed overhead which is located on the side of the chest wall. 

How To Build Chest Muscles

If you want to show your muscles in shape, then you have to increase them in size. Along with this, you also have to decrease your body fat so that your muscles will be able to see the shape. If the perfect pecs are your goal, you must work on your chest muscles. 

Muscles are made up of proteins. It is the building block of muscles- so the more you ingest (to an extent), the ability will be greater to build the muscle which is called muscle protein synthesis. Eating a rich diet of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and a variety of protein sources is the general recommendation to reduce body fat. 

You can tip the scale to muscle protein synthesis when you consume a greater amount of protein. It helps muscles to grow bigger. The recent American Dietetic Association recommendation for most individuals is .8 grams per kilogram (kg) of body weight. 

Best Chest Workouts For You

The stronger your chest muscles will, the stronger your entire body will be. There are dozen of workouts you can do on your chest muscles. You can do chest workouts on three consecutive days a week. You need at least 2 or 3 days to rest if you do heavy weight lifting before you do the workout again. For that reason, you should do it once or twice a week.

Various Types Of Chest Workout  For Target Muscle

Top 3 Upper Chest Workouts
  • Incline bench press 
  • Incline dumbbell fly
  • chest press machine
Top 3 Lower chest Workouts
  • cable crossover machine
  • parallel bar dips
  • decline bench press
Top 3 Middle chest Workouts 
  • Push up
  • butterfly machine
  • bench press
Top 3 Inner Chest Workouts 
  • Close Grip Bench Press
  • plate squeeze press
  • Cable Fly

Benefits OF Chest Workout

You will notice many benefits in your chest muscles when you do a chest workout. When you perform exercises like pushups, dumbbells flies, dips, and more that will work these muscles. While there are many benefits of chest training, the most useful benefit for both men and women is building functional strength. 

Increases Posture: A chest workout helps to maintain pecs and pecs play a major role to create a perfect body posture. Your pecs also help to stabilize the shoulder joint in addition to your shoulder and back muscles. 
Better Breathing: In addition to improving your strengthening, and lengthening your chest muscle and posture also help to support deeper breathing. Because the pecs are attached to ribs and ribs expand with every breath. 
Everyday Perks: You haven’t realized this but you use your pecs a lot during daily activities. Anything that involves holding, lifting, pushing, or squeezing calls on your pecs; so it doesn’t hurt to have extra strength in that muscle group. 


Get ready to work on your chests. You get all the benefits of a chest workout. Eating a rich diet is also a major part of the chest muscles. So, don’t ignore your diet while you are training for pecs. Now, you know why should we work on our chest muscles, you should do a chest workout in your routine. As we discussed above, there are many benefits and types of chest workouts. Chest Workout helps to improve the posture of the body, better breathing, everyday perks, and many more. 

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